Darkstorm Zero
(Forum Adept)
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Info About Darkstorm Zero
Joined: 01-06-2020
Last Visit: 02-08-2025, 08:44 AM
Time Spent Online: 3 Weeks, 23 Hours
Points: 755
Profile Views1682
Location: Melbourne Australia
Bio: Edward Holden is a young student who has decided to train to become a medical practitioner - AKA a Doctor of the Wizarding World. He trains and performs duties in the infirmary under the Matron's supervision if she is unavailable, or solo when she is not. He has also undertaken dangerous field medic work to act as a healer on behalf of the Aurors and the forces of Light on the battlefield.

Despite his tender years, Edward does all he can to assist the staff and students of Hogwarts, and cares not for their house or any other defining trait. He cares for them all deeply and will never raise his wand to harm anyone he sees as innocent. He will however defend to the death against the legions of Voldemort. From the most powerful Death Eaters to the Lowliest of the snatchers, he will fight, kill and die to protect his patients, and the people of Hogwarts with all he has.

Despite this, Edward does harbour a dark and tragic past that contain secrets that could change the world... Secrets even he does not yet know.
Gender: Male
Votes: +72 / -14 (83.7%)
Forum Adept
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