Tyr's final app


Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions

Last updated: January 20th, 2021

These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and Star by Star Gaming ("Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your volunteer services on any of our services and or platforms such as and not limited to, our websites, game servers, any other media form, media channel, console or PC application, mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto. You agree that by posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THEN YOU ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM APPLYING FOR A VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITION AND YOU MUST DISCONTINUE YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS IMMEDIATELY.

You accept and understand that you are not any form of an employee, contractor, or agent of Star by Star Gaming. You accept and understand that the volunteer services you provide will be a donation and under no circumstances will you expect wages, salary, or benefits from Star by Star Gaming for the services provided during your time as a Volunteer Staff member. We reserve the right to remove or let go of any volunteer staff member for any reason and at any time at our sole discretion.

Any and all actions, including and not limited to, player and or user punishment, such as issued bans or otherwise on our game servers, websites, or other platforms, as well as any statements made by you, or any behavioral misconduct, does not express the views of Star by Star Gaming and are conducted at your sole discretion. You agree that all of these are of your own and you withhold full personal responsibility. Your actions, behavior, and or statements will be taken or given at your sole discretion and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless, including our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, contractors, volunteers, volunteer staff, and employees, from and against any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand due to the outcomes of your gross negligence, willful misconduct, actions, statements, and or behaviors or any other conduct on your behalf, which cause or may give rise to criminal liability while performing volunteer staff services for Star by Star Gaming.


These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions can and may be updated at any time without notice at our discretion, so be sure to frequently check back for any updates to these terms and conditions. An effort to inform you that they've been updated will be made, but not promised, so it's your responsibility to periodically check back. By posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.",  you are accepting and agreeing to these terms and conditions indefinitely regardless of any changes or amendments to these terms and conditions unless or until you are no longer a Volunteer Staff member. If at any point you no longer agree to these terms and conditions, you must immediately resign from your Volunteer Staff position and cease to continue your volunteer services immediately.

Please do not remove or delete these terms and conditions from your application, otherwise your application will be considered and declared void.

Applicants Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:198888973

(1.) Do you agree to and accept the Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions? If so, please answer with "Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions." - Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions.

(1a) What is your most recent or commonly known in-game name or alias? - Tyr Trolas

(1b) What is your current acuity level in-game? (MUST be at least Acuity 7 to apply.) - Prestige 7

(1c) List any alternative Steam accounts you may have - No

(2.) In which time zone do you reside? - GMT

(2a) Please provide the hours of the day that you are the most active on the Galaxy of Magic server according to CST (Chicago, US), so the managers and staff know when they can expect to see you. - British time so it would be night time for the Chicago because you are upside down.

(3.) What is your age? - 19

(4.) Approximately, when was the first time that you joined our Galaxy of Magic server and how did you initially discover it? - in 2020, I discovered it by accident misclick.

(4a) How can we be certain that you will remain active on the server upon being accepted for a volunteer staffing position? - I understand the importance of having active staff on the server, and I can assure you that I am committed to being an active member of the community. I have a consistent schedule and I am able to log in regularly to fulfill my duties as a volunteer staff member. Additionally, I am willing to communicate with the team and the management if any unforeseen circumstances arise that may affect my availability. I am dedicated to making sure that the server runs smoothly, and I will do my best to be an active and reliable staff member[/font][/size]

(4b) Do you understand that you can be let go at any time for excessive inactivity at our discretion? - Yes

(5.) Do you understand and agree to not only comply with, but also enforce the rules of the server when necessary? - Yes

(5a) Please explain each of the main server rules and what they each mean, to convey to us that you understand and comprehend them wholly.
1. No fail RP: means that players are not allowed to intentionally disrupt or ruin the role-playing experience for other players. This includes but not limited to: breaking character, not following the established rules of the role-playing community, and not staying in character.[/font][/size]

 2. Be respectful:  means that players must treat others with respect, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated.[/font][/size]

 3. No RDM: stands for "Random Deathmatch" which means that players are not allowed to kill or harm other players without a valid role-playing reason or without the other player's consent.[/font][/size]

 4. Obey staff and RP leaders:  means that players must follow the instructions of the staff members and the designated role-playing leaders on the server. Disobeying or disrespecting staff members or RP leaders may result in disciplinary action.[/font][/size]

 5. No free-spelling: means that players are not allowed to use magic or supernatural powers without proper role-playing justification or without the consent of other players.

 6. No metagaming: means that players are not allowed to use out-of-character information in their role-playing. Metagaming is when a player uses knowledge that their character wouldn't reasonably know to gain an advantage in a role-playing scenario.[/font][/size]

 7. Do not mic spam or chat spam: means that players are not allowed to excessively use their microphone or spam the chat with unnecessary messages.[/font][/size]

 8. Telemail is for RP purposes only: means that players are not allowed to use the advert system for non-role-playing purposes.[/font][/size]

 9. No ERP: stands for "Erotic Role-playing" which means that players are not allowed to engage in explicit role-playing of a sexual nature.[/font][/size]

 10. No exploiting or cheating of any kind: means that players are not allowed to use any cheats, hacks, or other methods to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Exploiting game mechanics or bugs is also prohibited.[/font][/size]

(6.) Tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to be accepted for a volunteer staffing position on SBS. (100 words or less) - I am a dedicated and responsible individual with a passion for online gaming and community building. I have experience in similar volunteer staffing positions and understand the importance of maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players. I am an active player on SBS and I am excited to give back to the community by becoming a volunteer staff member. I am committed to ensuring fair and consistent enforcement of the rules, as well as providing assistance to players in need. With my skills and experience, I believe that I would be a valuable addition to the SBS GOM volunteer staffing team.[/font][/size]

(7.) In your opinion, which quality of yourself do you feel that you need to improve on the most? - I believe that I need to improve on my ability to stay calm and composed under pressure. I have noticed that in high-stress situations, I tend to get flustered and struggle to make clear and effective decisions. I plan to work on this by practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques, as well as seeking out opportunities to work in high-pressure environments and receive feedback on how I handle them.[/font][/size]

(7a) In your opinion, which skill set of yours do you feel that you need to improve on the most? - I believe that I need to improve on my communication skills. I have noticed that I sometimes struggle to effectively convey my thoughts and ideas, especially in group settings. I plan to work on this by taking a course on effective communication, practicing active listening, and seeking out opportunities to work on projects with a diverse group of individuals where I can receive feedback on my communication skills.[/font][/size]

(8.) How would having you on our volunteer staff team benefit our server and what qualities set you apart from the rest of the applicants? - Having me on the volunteer staff team would benefit the server in many ways. I am a dedicated and responsible individual who is committed to maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players. I have experience in similar volunteer staffing positions and I am familiar with the importance of fair and consistent rule enforcement. I am also an active player on the server which means I have a good understanding of the community and players' needs.[/font][/size]

(9.) Have you ever previously maintained a game server staffing position, or currently are, on any other Garry's Mod servers? If so, which ones, and in which staffing positions? (List them if possible) - I have in many gmod servers and i am actually too lazy to remember them all, but one of them was Valkyrie Networks (Jedi vs Sith)

(10.) Have you ever previously been banned on any Garry's Mod or SBS servers? If yes, then please list approximately when, how long, and the reasoning(s). - Yes and i don't think i even need to answer this

(11.) In your opinion, are the server staff or the players of more importance? Why? - In my opinion, both the server staff and the players are of equal importance. The server staff are responsible for maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players by enforcing the rules and providing assistance when needed. However, without players, there would be no need for a server staff.[/font][/size]

(12) How would you rate your skills overall out of 10 (E.g., patience, response time, etc.) - 9

(13.) If you find yourself in a 'staff-sit' where you're unsure of how to fairly distribute punishment and or handle the situation or discrepancy at hand, what do you do? - 
  1. Gather all the relevant information: Before making a decision, I would make sure to gather all the necessary information about the situation and the players involved. This would include reviewing the evidence, such as chat logs, screenshots, and videos.Consult with other staff members: I would consult with other staff members to get their perspective on the situation and to see if they have any suggestions on how to handle it. This would be especially helpful if the staff member has more experience or if they have dealt with similar situations before.Review the server rules: I would review the server rules to ensure that the punishment I am considering is appropriate and in line with the established guidelines.Remain impartial: I would make sure to remain impartial and not let my personal feelings or biases influence my decision.Communicate with the players: I would communicate with the players involved in the situation to hear their side of the story and to make sure that they understand the punishment that is being handed out.

(14.) You both understand and realize, that by applying for a volunteer staffing position on the server, you are sacrificing the complete freedom of being able to role-play and or socialize freely all the time without any interruptions, and are obligated to handle all server issues and or volunteer staff position tasks at hand no matter the situation and to the best of your abilities? - Yes

(15.) If applicable, please provide a list of all your previous volunteer staff applications, provide a link to them if possible, and list any reasons why they may have been locked. If they were previously accepted, please provide a short explanation of why you are no longer volunteer staff at the time of this application. (Disregard if this is your first application) - Just click on my account


-1, a complete retard

(01-26-2023, 03:10 AM)Justin Amendish Wrote: -1, a complete retard. still better than ryte. =)

Says the one who keeps spamming "ded" everyday on discord, Please be respectful and follow the rules.

this better get accepted soon

(01-17-2023, 09:19 AM)[red] Tyr Wrote:

Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions

Last updated: January 20th, 2021

These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and Star by Star Gaming ("Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your volunteer services on any of our services and or platforms such as and not limited to, our websites, game servers, any other media form, media channel, console or PC application, mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto. You agree that by posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THEN YOU ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM APPLYING FOR A VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITION AND YOU MUST DISCONTINUE YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS IMMEDIATELY.

You accept and understand that you are not any form of an employee, contractor, or agent of Star by Star Gaming. You accept and understand that the volunteer services you provide will be a donation and under no circumstances will you expect wages, salary, or benefits from Star by Star Gaming for the services provided during your time as a Volunteer Staff member. We reserve the right to remove or let go of any volunteer staff member for any reason and at any time at our sole discretion.

Any and all actions, including and not limited to, player and or user punishment, such as issued bans or otherwise on our game servers, websites, or other platforms, as well as any statements made by you, or any behavioral misconduct, does not express the views of Star by Star Gaming and are conducted at your sole discretion. You agree that all of these are of your own and you withhold full personal responsibility. Your actions, behavior, and or statements will be taken or given at your sole discretion and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless, including our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, contractors, volunteers, volunteer staff, and employees, from and against any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand due to the outcomes of your gross negligence, willful misconduct, actions, statements, and or behaviors or any other conduct on your behalf, which cause or may give rise to criminal liability while performing volunteer staff services for Star by Star Gaming.


These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions can and may be updated at any time without notice at our discretion, so be sure to frequently check back for any updates to these terms and conditions. An effort to inform you that they've been updated will be made, but not promised, so it's your responsibility to periodically check back. By posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.",  you are accepting and agreeing to these terms and conditions indefinitely regardless of any changes or amendments to these terms and conditions unless or until you are no longer a Volunteer Staff member. If at any point you no longer agree to these terms and conditions, you must immediately resign from your Volunteer Staff position and cease to continue your volunteer services immediately.

Please do not remove or delete these terms and conditions from your application, otherwise your application will be considered and declared void.

Applicants Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:198888973

(1.) Do you agree to and accept the Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions? If so, please answer with "Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions." - Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions.

(1a) What is your most recent or commonly known in-game name or alias? - Tyr Trolas

(1b) What is your current acuity level in-game? (MUST be at least Acuity 7 to apply.) - Prestige 7

(1c) List any alternative Steam accounts you may have - No

(2.) In which time zone do you reside? - GMT

(2a) Please provide the hours of the day that you are the most active on the Galaxy of Magic server according to CST (Chicago, US), so the managers and staff know when they can expect to see you. - British time so it would be night time for the Chicago because you are upside down.

(3.) What is your age? - 19

(4.) Approximately, when was the first time that you joined our Galaxy of Magic server and how did you initially discover it? - in 2020, I discovered it by accident misclick.

(4a) How can we be certain that you will remain active on the server upon being accepted for a volunteer staffing position? - I understand the importance of having active staff on the server, and I can assure you that I am committed to being an active member of the community. I have a consistent schedule and I am able to log in regularly to fulfill my duties as a volunteer staff member. Additionally, I am willing to communicate with the team and the management if any unforeseen circumstances arise that may affect my availability. I am dedicated to making sure that the server runs smoothly, and I will do my best to be an active and reliable staff member[/font][/size]

(4b) Do you understand that you can be let go at any time for excessive inactivity at our discretion? - Yes

(5.) Do you understand and agree to not only comply with, but also enforce the rules of the server when necessary? - Yes

(5a) Please explain each of the main server rules and what they each mean, to convey to us that you understand and comprehend them wholly.
1. No fail RP: means that players are not allowed to intentionally disrupt or ruin the role-playing experience for other players. This includes but not limited to: breaking character, not following the established rules of the role-playing community, and not staying in character.[/font][/size]

 2. Be respectful:  means that players must treat others with respect, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated.[/font][/size]

 3. No RDM: stands for "Random Deathmatch" which means that players are not allowed to kill or harm other players without a valid role-playing reason or without the other player's consent.[/font][/size]

 4. Obey staff and RP leaders:  means that players must follow the instructions of the staff members and the designated role-playing leaders on the server. Disobeying or disrespecting staff members or RP leaders may result in disciplinary action.[/font][/size]

 5. No free-spelling: means that players are not allowed to use magic or supernatural powers without proper role-playing justification or without the consent of other players.

 6. No metagaming: means that players are not allowed to use out-of-character information in their role-playing. Metagaming is when a player uses knowledge that their character wouldn't reasonably know to gain an advantage in a role-playing scenario.[/font][/size]

 7. Do not mic spam or chat spam: means that players are not allowed to excessively use their microphone or spam the chat with unnecessary messages.[/font][/size]

 8. Telemail is for RP purposes only: means that players are not allowed to use the advert system for non-role-playing purposes.[/font][/size]

 9. No ERP: stands for "Erotic Role-playing" which means that players are not allowed to engage in explicit role-playing of a sexual nature.[/font][/size]

 10. No exploiting or cheating of any kind: means that players are not allowed to use any cheats, hacks, or other methods to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Exploiting game mechanics or bugs is also prohibited.[/font][/size]

(6.) Tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to be accepted for a volunteer staffing position on SBS. (100 words or less) - I am a dedicated and responsible individual with a passion for online gaming and community building. I have experience in similar volunteer staffing positions and understand the importance of maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players. I am an active player on SBS and I am excited to give back to the community by becoming a volunteer staff member. I am committed to ensuring fair and consistent enforcement of the rules, as well as providing assistance to players in need. With my skills and experience, I believe that I would be a valuable addition to the SBS GOM volunteer staffing team.[/font][/size]

(7.) In your opinion, which quality of yourself do you feel that you need to improve on the most? - I believe that I need to improve on my ability to stay calm and composed under pressure. I have noticed that in high-stress situations, I tend to get flustered and struggle to make clear and effective decisions. I plan to work on this by practicing mindfulness and stress management techniques, as well as seeking out opportunities to work in high-pressure environments and receive feedback on how I handle them.[/font][/size]

(7a) In your opinion, which skill set of yours do you feel that you need to improve on the most? - I believe that I need to improve on my communication skills. I have noticed that I sometimes struggle to effectively convey my thoughts and ideas, especially in group settings. I plan to work on this by taking a course on effective communication, practicing active listening, and seeking out opportunities to work on projects with a diverse group of individuals where I can receive feedback on my communication skills.[/font][/size]

(8.) How would having you on our volunteer staff team benefit our server and what qualities set you apart from the rest of the applicants? - Having me on the volunteer staff team would benefit the server in many ways. I am a dedicated and responsible individual who is committed to maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players. I have experience in similar volunteer staffing positions and I am familiar with the importance of fair and consistent rule enforcement. I am also an active player on the server which means I have a good understanding of the community and players' needs.[/font][/size]

(9.) Have you ever previously maintained a game server staffing position, or currently are, on any other Garry's Mod servers? If so, which ones, and in which staffing positions? (List them if possible) - I have in many gmod servers and i am actually too lazy to remember them all, but one of them was Valkyrie Networks (Jedi vs Sith)

(10.) Have you ever previously been banned on any Garry's Mod or SBS servers? If yes, then please list approximately when, how long, and the reasoning(s). - Yes and i don't think i even need to answer this

(11.) In your opinion, are the server staff or the players of more importance? Why? - In my opinion, both the server staff and the players are of equal importance. The server staff are responsible for maintaining a positive and enjoyable environment for players by enforcing the rules and providing assistance when needed. However, without players, there would be no need for a server staff.[/font][/size]

(12) How would you rate your skills overall out of 10 (E.g., patience, response time, etc.) - 9

(13.) If you find yourself in a 'staff-sit' where you're unsure of how to fairly distribute punishment and or handle the situation or discrepancy at hand, what do you do? - 
  1. Gather all the relevant information: Before making a decision, I would make sure to gather all the necessary information about the situation and the players involved. This would include reviewing the evidence, such as chat logs, screenshots, and videos.Consult with other staff members: I would consult with other staff members to get their perspective on the situation and to see if they have any suggestions on how to handle it. This would be especially helpful if the staff member has more experience or if they have dealt with similar situations before.Review the server rules: I would review the server rules to ensure that the punishment I am considering is appropriate and in line with the established guidelines.Remain impartial: I would make sure to remain impartial and not let my personal feelings or biases influence my decision.Communicate with the players: I would communicate with the players involved in the situation to hear their side of the story and to make sure that they understand the punishment that is being handed out.

(14.) You both understand and realize, that by applying for a volunteer staffing position on the server, you are sacrificing the complete freedom of being able to role-play and or socialize freely all the time without any interruptions, and are obligated to handle all server issues and or volunteer staff position tasks at hand no matter the situation and to the best of your abilities? - Yes

(15.) If applicable, please provide a list of all your previous volunteer staff applications, provide a link to them if possible, and list any reasons why they may have been locked. If they were previously accepted, please provide a short explanation of why you are no longer volunteer staff at the time of this application. (Disregard if this is your first application) - Just click on my account

we need an active staff. one that will not be bias and keep the peace.
tyr has earned a full time position but until then volunteer position is a must for him.
+1 for tyr. time for a new age of peace in sbs.
Advisor of Men, Captain of Men, Champion of Men, Worshiper of Trolas
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+1 Hes been trying for years
Seraphin Red

Gamemaker 2012-2024
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+1 he’s been trying for years. Give the boi a chance. 

+1 This mans dedication to the cause and wellbeing of Menland is unwavering. Give him a chance, really have nothing to lose

 Give the boy a chance, he's been trying for years.

Although he's been very rude many times in the past, Tyr has been a long time SBS player and can have a funny sense of humor (at times. Sometimes he's not funny at all)

Neutral to +1!

Joined Hogwarts September 2016
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