Amendish Legacy


Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions

Last updated: January 20th, 2021

These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and Star by Star Gaming ("Company", “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your volunteer services on any of our services and or platforms such as and not limited to, our websites, game servers, any other media form, media channel, console or PC application, mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto. You agree that by posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, THEN YOU ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM APPLYING FOR A VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITION AND YOU MUST DISCONTINUE YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS IMMEDIATELY.

You accept and understand that you are not any form of an employee, contractor, or agent of Star by Star Gaming. You accept and understand that the volunteer services you provide will be a donation and under no circumstances will you expect wages, salary, or benefits from Star by Star Gaming for the services provided during your time as a Volunteer Staff member. We reserve the right to remove or let go of any volunteer staff member for any reason and at any time at our sole discretion.

Any and all actions, including and not limited to, player and or user punishment, such as issued bans or otherwise on our game servers, websites, or other platforms, as well as any statements made by you, or any behavioral misconduct, does not express the views of Star by Star Gaming and are conducted at your sole discretion. You agree that all of these are of your own and you withhold full personal responsibility. Your actions, behavior, and or statements will be taken or given at your sole discretion and you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us harmless, including our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, contractors, volunteers, volunteer staff, and employees, from and against any loss, damage, liability, claim, or demand due to the outcomes of your gross negligence, willful misconduct, actions, statements, and or behaviors or any other conduct on your behalf, which cause or may give rise to criminal liability while performing volunteer staff services for Star by Star Gaming.


These Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions can and may be updated at any time without notice at our discretion, so be sure to frequently check back for any updates to these terms and conditions. An effort to inform you that they've been updated will be made, but not promised, so it's your responsibility to periodically check back. By posting this application and or responding to application question (1.) with "Yes, I do agree to these terms and conditions.", you are accepting and agreeing to these terms and conditions indefinitely regardless of any changes or amendments to these terms and conditions unless or until you are no longer a Volunteer Staff member. If at any point you no longer agree to these terms and conditions, you must immediately resign from your Volunteer Staff position and cease to continue your volunteer services immediately.

Please do not remove or delete these terms and conditions from your application, otherwise your application will be considered and declared void.

Applicants Steam ID - 

(1.) Do you agree to and accept the Volunteer Staff Application Terms & Conditions? If so, please answer with "Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions." -  Yes, I do agree and accept these terms and conditions.
(1a) What name and or alias are you most commonly known as within the SBS community? -  Charlie Allman/Amendish
(1b.) What is your age? -  18 

(2.) Which volunteer community staff position is your application for? -  Volunteer Staff Manager
(3.) Approximately, when was the first time that you joined our community and how did you initially discover it? -  Beginning of June 2021, My friend and I were making meth on DarkRp when we got bored of making meth. So we decided to move servers to something new. We found Harry Potter RP and thus the legacy of Charlie Allman was born.

(4.) Community staff are held to a much higher standard both in general and with activity when compared to standard game server staff. In this case, do you understand that you can be let go at any time for excessive inactivity at our discretion? -  Yes, I understand.

(4a) How can we be certain that you will remain active on the server upon being accepted for a volunteer staffing position? -
Right now I am in college and honestly I have  much free time as of right now that I can promise a lot of it to GOM duties. Alongside this the community is basically my family. I can't just turn my back on my family.
(5.) Tell us a little about yourself and why you would like to be accepted for a volunteer staffing position on SBS. (100 words or less) - 

Hi! My name is Charlie but I bet that you already knew that already. I have been getting mentored by some of the best staff managers to grace all of SBS. I have been in close contact with Justin and Pierre over the past couple of months. They have been helping me do mock scenarios for this position as we know it will have an opening soon!
(6.) In your opinion, which quality of yourself do you feel that you need to improve on the most? -  

Procrastinate. One of the biggest things for me is the initiative to actually do something. For instance like doing my assignments, some days I'll just be like oh I'm gonna do this thing tomorrow then the cycle continues till it's actually due. I've been working on this for years and have almost fixed this issue.

(6a) In your opinion, which skill set of yours do you feel that you need to improve on the most? - .
Something that I need to increase and improve is my activity. Since I’ve begun college it’s been tough to get on all the time due to it just being college and people who’ve experienced it know how at some points you don't have any spare time at all but besides that one issue I would say my jokes, I need to knock it off at times and get straight to the point. People will say it will be my ability to stay neutral towards some individuals/being bias but when I received that feedback a while ago i have worked on it since and i haven't reverted back on it, People will always be a bit bias but working on it and improving it was my goal and i've been calm, cool, collected and improved.

(7.) How would having you on our volunteer staff team benefit our community and what qualities set you apart from the rest of the applicants?
Easy to contact 
 I am one of the easiest people to get in contact with due to me being online all the time besides sleeping! That can be the most useful trait people have. If there are staff that have questions about certain rulings or how long to ban someone I am quick and easy to get a hold of, I am always beside my phone or my computer and I can respond easily. 
Community Engagement 
I actively try to rp and engage with a wide array of players and never primarily stick to one group. I also really like to help newer players out by just teaching them the ropes of GOM and where classes are and what classes drop spell,homework,etc.. By allowing myself to be basically mutual I can come to a verdict without much bias being present.

(8.) Have you ever previously maintained a game server staffing position, or currently are, on any other Garry's Mod servers? If so, which ones, and in which staffing positions? (List them if possible) -  No.

(9) How would you rate your skills overall out of 10 (E.g., patience, response time, etc.) - 
I maintain professionalism whenever needed, but also recognise when being more laid-back is suitable - there are often situations that demand professionalism to be in effect when they’re being addressed and handled, and I find myself easily able to maintain a very high level of professionalism when needed. However, over my time on the team I’ve learned that acting professional all the time doesn’t leave much room for people to relax and enjoy themselves. Additionally, I find that it’s much harder to relate to and get along with someone who acts professional all the time compared to someone who’s able to kick back and enjoy themselves when appropriate. Being able to distinguish when professionalism is needed is a great quality to have

Confidence - 9.5 
 I have faith in my decision making skills and know when to confess if and when I mess up but even then it won’t deteriorate me. You need to have confidence going into something and keeping it at a high point. I have been known to acknowledge my mistakes in the past too and those mistakes make you a better person.

Leadership - 9 
I am always looking to lead when it comes to something either leading events or even leading meetings on servers. No matter what it is, I can lead it. This is a very important thing due to IF I am staff manager I would need to lead my gang of goons to be the best gang of goons to every grace SBS. Under Charlie Allman’s reign we will ignite the passion that the players lost!

Honesty - 10 
Being honest is being truthful and if you lie then you’re going backwards not forwards. The truth needs to be told even if it is harsh at times and opinions are needed. I believe I am honest when it counts the most. 

Knowledge of rules -10 
  Saying 10 doesn’t mean I know ALL rules. There are 1 or 2 that slip my mind but with there being rules within rules (10 main rules but specific rules for specific roles/jobs, especially now with the change of everything into GOM.). Other staff come to me asking about a rule and I am there to help them out and help if they are confused about the rules. 

Response time - 9 
 I’m on my phone at college and open to questions that get asked to me, I’m on my computer most times when I’m home, when I’m on the server and paying full attention(sometimes I might be having some IRL stuff come up but besides that i'm always here)

(10.) Provide a couple of examples of situations or issues you may encounter and how you would handle them in the position you are applying for -  
Staff information is found to have been leaked - Leaking will not be tolerated, A reminder about leaking will be said in a meeting 1 time if it continues then a 2nd and final warning at a meeting will be issued. If a staff member comes to me after the 1st time and admits their wrong doing they will be issued a warning and if deemed so a suspension. If no one comes forward and i find out who leaked they will be demoted and off the team.

Someone is coming out.
 For instance, if someone came out as gay, non binary, trans, etc. They might be having some emotional problems or something along those lines. Those emotional problems might be a bit troublesome for someone staffing and they might act out irrationally. This would make me remove their powers for the time being till they are ready to staff again. IF this is abused they would get demoted.

Staff are found to be abusing their powers.
This depends on what was done, Nonetheless abuse of power is serious and if any staff member were to abuse their powers they would have a serious talking to and if it's an extreme case then they would be put on suspension or removed from the team. You were granted the power to help the server. You should never go about it the wrong way even if you’re having a bad day. People should get sweps for events or types of RP. You should never give out a weapon(unless it's april fools or the purge events that happen like once a year) You should never ban anyone because you dislike them. My point is if you abuse your power you’ll have serious consequences to pay.

Staff members having activity below the average requirement .
 Yes, we are humans, Yes we have IRL stuff to do, but if you are going to have low activity please talk to me first and don’t just ghost me. I just need to know that you’ll have low activity and how long we can work something out. But I would talk to said staff members or members about their activity and get to know why they haven’t been on. If its getting to a point where they are just filling a slot for an extended period of time with different reasons or no reason at all (month+) they will be let go. You can always reapply in the future.

A staff report has been posted on the forums:

Staff reports come in different shapes and sizes and each one would be handled differently because of how it can go. Staff reports with no evidence will not be accepted as per usual but if it happens with evidence again should report and it'll be taken into some consideration. As in if someone does this one thing once and gets called out for it, it should be a wake up call but if they do it again an investigation would need to occur.  Reports with valid evidence will of course be taken into action with disciplinary actions starting with a warning. If staff continue to get reported with valid evidence it can lead up to a removal from the team. 

Staff Hitting On Minors
The current state of GOM is to make everyone comfortable and not put people off from our amazing community that we have amassed over the years. Due to this massive community, there have unfortunately been the bad apples for instance Odin, Spencer, Emily, Vincent, Stan, Allia, and others who weren't staff. This type of behavior that we all know what we are all aware of and sometimes on the watch for. This is a serious thing and especially since the community is marginally smaller then it was before and stuff like this can be noticed by anyone. If something like this happens and it is brought to my attention, we will push for a CBAN. No matter the case we are here to keep the minors in the community safe.

(11.) If applicable, please provide a list of all your previous volunteer staff applications, provide a link to them if possible, and list any reasons why they may have been locked. If they were previously accepted, please provide a short explanation of why you are no longer volunteer staff at the time of this 

HW Gamemaker.  My application was locked due to me catching someone on fire during a staff meeting PLAW. I was broken as it was a mistake and it completely screwed all chances I had at getting GM

Messages In This Thread
Amendish Legacy - by Charlie Allman - 08-23-2022, 04:51 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by John Wave - 08-23-2022, 10:20 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Charlie Allman - 08-23-2022, 10:59 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by DEAD - 08-23-2022, 11:14 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by John Wave - 08-23-2022, 11:19 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Charlie Allman - 08-23-2022, 11:56 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Cauliflower Mcguffins - 08-24-2022, 03:01 AM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Ryte Lionheart - 08-24-2022, 02:36 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by [red] Tyr - 08-24-2022, 06:23 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Adam Wrinkly - 08-31-2022, 01:35 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Rory - 09-03-2022, 12:23 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Charlie Allman - 09-04-2022, 12:23 PM
RE: Amendish Legacy - by Sibyl - 09-04-2022, 12:31 PM

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