
Hello My name is Boris I've been here for over 2 years now, I've just been hiding, I love Tyr, I love Duck, but most of all I love myself, I love to play my little pony on my days of work, My currant job is tax Evasion, Yes that's right I've been on the Run for 19 years now (I'm 21) I have 17 kids, Names are (Lebron) (James) (Quandale) (Dingle) I can't remember the rest. 

My wife I divorced 19 years ago (I'm 21)

Tyr Is now my new lover. Me and tyr Met 19 years ago on this day (I'm 21) 

Tyr weighs approx. 365 pounds (I'm 21)

Duck is my brother, His real name is (John Bena) (I'm 21)

legalize anabolic steroids
legalize nuclear bombs

Messages In This Thread
Boris - by Boris (2) - 12-21-2022, 01:48 PM
RE: Boris - by [red] Tyr - 01-17-2023, 09:31 AM
RE: Boris - by Byron - 05-09-2023, 09:53 AM

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