Reasons for an Application Lock (Please Read before Applying)


Failure to read the rules and regulations is NOT an excuse for not following them. 
Failure to follow any of the rules listed here will result in your application being locked.

If you have any questions regarding any of the rules listed here, feel free to contact a Forum Admin or the Staff Manager (not server mods, GMs and admins)  regarding any questions or concerns you may have!

  • If a staff applicant shows promise they may be voted on at the Galaxy of Magic staff meetings, if the application gains enough positive feedback it will be accepted and the applicant will become a trial staff member. If the application is voted on and does not gain the feedback required to be accepted it will remain open.

  • If it has been 30 days since a staff application has been created it will be locked after the next Galaxy of Magic staff meeting and the applicant will be allowed to reapply at once.

  • If an applicant is banned on the forums or in game their application will be denied and the applicant may reapply when any and all bans are lifted.

  • If an applicant causes or participates in drama on their application, or excessive drama in the general community, their application may be denied. The applicant may reapply at once unless told otherwise, however it is advisable to wait until the drama related issues have been ameliorated.

  • If an applicant is found to have lied in their application (such as false claims or lying about ban history) the application may be denied and the applicant may reapply at once unless told otherwise.

  • If an applicant is advertising their application it will be denied and they may not reapply for a week unless told otherwise. Advertising in this sense is very strict, you may not ask for feedback, display, discuss or link your application or even ask someone to do any of this for you. If someone has a question about your staff application you may answer any question as candidly as you wish as long as the communication is private and cannot be viewed later by someone who wasn't there. Any and all questions the applicant has can be addressed to and answered by a community, forum or sometimes server staff member privately. Simply put, you may answer anyone's questions privately or ask your own questions privately to staff members, but that is the limit. -Side note about advertising someone else's application below-

  • An applicant may only comment on their own staff application if they follow the guidelines set forth BELOW IN LEXA'S POST IN THIS THREAD. Asking for your application to be locked then reapplying at once is also considered bumping, simply edit your post with more information. Doing otherwise will result in the application being denied and the applicant being unable to reapply for a week unless told otherwise. (bumping)

  • Plagiarizing or copying any other player's application is not allowed, any applicant who does so will be denied and will not be allowed to reapply for two weeks unless told otherwise.

  • If an applicant uses an alt account to comment on their own application, all applications by that user will be denied and the applicant may not reapply for two weeks unless told otherwise. The alt accounts will be permabanned and the main account will receive a forum ban, the applicant cannot reapply until the main account's forum ban is over, even if the two week period has lapsed.

  • If an applicant's application is denied and the applicant is told to wait for a specific amount of time but applies before that time is over, the application will be denied and the time will start from the beginning.

  • Resigned Staff Members can re-apply at any time.

  • Demoted Staff Members must wait 1 month from the demotion to apply again. (This includes staff members who were forced to resign)

  • If a staff member has been demoted 3 times, they can not apply again unless told otherwise by a community staff member. (This does not include leaving the team due to failing the trial period)

Side note on the topic of advertising someone else's application:

  • If you wish to discuss someone else's application you may do so if: all participants in said discussion are okay with talking about the application, the discussion cannot be viewed later by individuals who were not part of the discussion and the applicant may not initialize the discussion. All but the last restriction will result in warnings and punishment for the individuals involved but will not effect the application or applicant (unless the applicant is one of the individuals involved)

If you have any questions regarding any of the rules listed here, feel free to contact a Forum Admin or the Staff Manager regarding any questions or concerns you may have!

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Reasons for an Application Lock (Please Read before Applying) - by Elios - 07-10-2018, 02:39 AM

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