Name Appeal Format

This format is required for all name appeals or they will be denied.
If your name is in clear violation of a name rule, or vice versa, it can be responded to quicker than if the name is debatable. If the latter then we will discuss the name over our weekend staff meetings.

Outcomes of your name appeals:
1- Easily accept: it's obvious that your name does not violate the rules. This doesn't happen often and normally occurs when a trial or someone was confused.
2- Easily deny: it's obvious that your name is in violation of the rules.
3- Pass to the staff team: your name seems too borderline to be decided on by the Galaxy of Magic managers. In this case, your appeal will be notified that the name is being discussed in the oncoming weekend staff meeting.
*Please note, if you are asked to change your name by a staff member, you just first change your name then appeal later.*
**If you have a previously accepted name appeal and the off chance that the name rules change and make your name a clear violation of the rules, your appeal becomes void.

Messages In This Thread
Name Appeal Format - by Lexa - 04-28-2019, 08:15 PM
RE: Yest - by Lexa - 04-28-2019, 08:24 PM

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