Reasons for an Application Lock (Please Read before Applying)

We, the forum staff team, are okay with people responding to their own applications for specific reasons.
People are allowed to reply to their own thread when they:

- Answer a question asked by those that vote;

- Argue with false claims (for example, voter: "You were banned yesterday.", OP: "No I wasn't banned.");

- If it is necessary to give an in-depth explanation of a situation/event as a reply to a voter;

- Vague, but if there is some major news regarding the applicant or the application (like a week vacation to explain their inactivity).

If you are responding to feedback given to you, try and do so in a timely manner. If you are responding to someone and you wait for a long period, it may be considered bumping and your application may be locked.

Any kind of comment made on your own application that doesn't adhere to the above rules will be counted as bumping and could possibly get your application denied and locked.
P.S: Do NOT thank every voter for their vote as a single reply. Thanks!
-Forum Staff

-If in doubt, check with a forum admin or myself-

Messages In This Thread
Reasons to reply in your own application - by Lexa - 07-18-2018, 03:08 PM

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