Discord Ban Appeal Format

**NOTICE** If you have been banned from one of the SBS Discords, you may make a Ban Appeal here if you wish to appeal your Discord Ban. 

Please also state which Discord you have been banned from so we can identify what Discord you were banned from easily. It is the Appealer's responsibility to provide us the information needed for their Appeal. 

You must copy and paste the numerical format below into your Appeal, failure to do so will result in your Appeal to be automatically denied. 

Please remember that if your appeal was denied that you will have to wait a minimum of one week before submitting another appeal if you do post another within the cool-down time, then it will be denied and your week will restart. Managers can override this rule if needed and if necessary. 

Please also answer all listed questions within the appeal to the best of your ability. Joke Appeals are not tolerated and will be automatically denied.

Your post must have an appropriate title: "(INSERT NAME HERE) Ban Appeal". 

Do not bump your unban appeal(s). Doing this will result in your appeal to be denied.

Lying on your appeal can result in an immediate denial. Please be honest when appealing. 

You may Appeal from the following Discords:

- SBS Main Discord
- SBS GoM Discord
- SBS CWRP Discord
- SBS Halo Discord

These are the only official SBS Discords that we will formally take appeals for. Battalion Discord Bans should be handled by the Officer of that Battalion, so please do not appeal Battatlion Discords Bans here.

Messages In This Thread
Discord Ban Appeal Format - by Elios - 05-17-2020, 01:24 AM
RE: Discord Ban Appeal Format - by Lexa - 05-17-2020, 12:28 PM

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