Bathildas Staff Manager APP

Agreed with Rump, best fit for the position at the moment. Was a good admin +1

I don't really play anymore but I did have the privilege to staff with Bathilda, and from that I can easily give her a +1.

Over her time of being mod/admin, she grew vastly, and would definitely be one of, if not the best choice for this position. I vaguely remember you doing staff meetings from time to time, and you were pretty much a natural at it. (If you've never hosted a staff meeting, disregard this cause mi memory shit) 

Honestly besides what she's already mentioned about her tone, which I don't see becoming a huge issue, I can't see any major negatives that should outright deny her the position. She's always willing to improve, and has the kind of 'thick skinned' attitude that's required for this position. 

Great fit, +1 :)

edit: completely forgot to add this, but if I might suggest one thing, that would be to provide more examples of situations. The ones you have already are good, but more in depth scenarios would definitely help you out :) (I.e, I noticed you mentioned leaking, and believing in second chances, how would you react if a staff member were to be dishonest about a leaking situation, which you later found out about?)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Lydia Snow ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Joined 2018
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(08-25-2022, 11:14 PM)Lydia Wrote: I don't really play anymore but I did have the privilege to staff with Bathilda, and from that I can easily give her a +1.

Over her time of being mod/admin, she grew vastly, and would definitely be one of, if not the best choice for this position. I vaguely remember you doing staff meetings from time to time, and you were pretty much a natural at it. (If you've never hosted a staff meeting, disregard this cause mi memory shit) 

Honestly besides what she's already mentioned about her tone, which I don't see becoming a huge issue, I can't see any major negatives that should outright deny her the position. She's always willing to improve, and has the kind of 'thick skinned' attitude that's required for this position. 

Great fit, +1 :)

edit: completely forgot to add this, but if I might suggest one thing, that would be to provide more examples of situations. The ones you have already are good, but more in depth scenarios would definitely help you out :) (I.e, I noticed you mentioned leaking, and believing in second chances, how would you react if a staff member were to be dishonest about a leaking situation, which you later found out about?)

thank you for the kind words Lydia.  

to answer your question,  its always going to be hard because we really don't know the situation until it happens BUT , I still want to give the opportunity to come forward, I would announce to the team that there has been leaking that has come to my attention and that I am offering time for anyone to come forward with minimal punishment, and if that window passes and that person still has not come forward punishment will be harsher.  Once the window passes and they have continued to not come forward or lie about it when I have knowledge of that person leaking, would ground for demotion it sounds very harsh but how are you supposed to trust one of your staff members if you know they deliberately lied to you. lying is a something to be taken very serious you HAVE to be able to trust your fellow staff members if youre going to make it work

again thank you.

Ez +1. Great mod, awesome admin, would probably be a legendary StaffM. All around good person who knows how to balance enforcement and leniency and is all around very fair in resolving issues and such.

I haven't been active as much since the reopening of the server, however I will say the times I do drop in for a very short time Bathilda has always been on and has always greeted me kindly and I feel like this would go a long way considering a lot of new people who don't know what they're getting into when joining to where Bathilda would act the same towards everyone else and helping them integrate into the community. 

I don't know the reason behind her resignation in the past, however since I didn't hear anything negative about it I feel as though she had left on a good note. The only thing that concerns me is that there are others who have stuck thick and thin on the staff team. It just wouldn't look good for a regular player to just jump over the rankings. 

However, if there's anyone who deserves to do so it would be Bathilda as she has been Admin before and knows the community quite well. We weren't staff at the same time so I couldn't say how she communicated and engaged herself in the meetings, however if I go off of how she plays on server I can make that assumption that she was quite interactive with everyone else when talking about voicing her opinions on different levels of topics. 

I'm going to vote +1 on this application for the reasons stated above

-Engaging and Has Well Knowledge of the Community
-Previous Experience of Higher Up Position
-No Negativity with the Server (As Far As I Know) 
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Hours: 1,528 (Classes: 9,168)
Kills: 1,647
Lockdowns: 224
Duels: 138-31 Cadogan: 40-26 Statue: 98-5
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YES!! Fun to be around, great humor, nice to everyone, has been a admin already. She's been here for YEARS she knows the rules. I have no doubt in my mind that she would fail at being a staff manager she would make a fantastic staff manager.

+1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lana Mcguffins Animus
Wife to Cauliflower Mcguffins
Wife to Kyrie Animus
Currently dating Bathilda Enos
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Bathilda is one of the nicest people I came across on the server, she is genuine and knows how to relax and be serious when she needs to be. She gets stuff done and has very good previous experience.


Haven't heard a single bad thing come outta there mouth, Seems kind of cool and definitely fit for the position +1 
RP Families Are Weird 
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Honestly,without a doubt Bathilda is one of,if not THE best candidate for staff manager I ve seen in a while,she is profesional,very easy to reach and trustworthy.Furthermore she has alot of experiance with staffing,being an adming herself back in the "Golden" days of SBS where staff werent complete,well bad, back then.Now what is funny is to see how some people are so eager to try and put down her attempt into actualy helping the server grow and prosper,Bathilda has alot of qualities that maker her likeable and relatable to players and actualy having people stay instead of driving players away.In addition to all that,there is a great possibility of Bathilda actually being active almost all the time should the potition been given to her,unlike the staff's current stay which let the server to rot in itself.If you people trully care for the server to grow and get back to its former glory,atleast give Bathilda the chance.

I honestly don't know why you want this role, mainly because I think you're to good for it.
With that dumb reasoning aside, I think you would do fantastic in this role.
You've been a leader before when you were an admin, concerns about you being "biased" during your time on the team, I think you had a better understanding on must situations regarding reports that were made back then and always used good logic and reasoning when stating why you made a decision that didn't go someone's way, yes to a degree every single person has bias, I think Bathilda is smart enough to stay neutral as a manager.

Her being good friends with Yaycob isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be used against her as a reason why she shouldn't get the position, if anything he'll be able to give support if she gets the role.
Overall +1 realistically the only good applicant.

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